Chronic Inflammation – Medical Qigong

Inflammatory Conditions
Research Indicates Medical Qigong May Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain


People are discovering relief for pain caused by chronic inflammation. Recent research reveals what Ancient Chinese Medicine has known for centuries.

Your body has a natural immune response when it perceives an invader. We call this your “innate immunity”. Inflammation that develops at an affected site contains the invader (infection) by producing TNF-a (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) which calls in additional pro-inflammatory substances called cytokines. These inflammatory substances/cytokines protect us at the site of infection. A beneficial response is limited lasting only 48-72 hours, and this response does not spread through your body or systemically.

Traditional Inflammatory Theory

Traditional inflammatory theory suggests that an excess of the substances called “Cytokines” and one in particular called “TNF-a” (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) continue long after the initial inflammatory response of 48-72 hours leading to chronic inflammation. It is suggested that this abnormal response is responsible for pain and bone destruction in Rheumatoid Arthritis and many other inflammatory conditions.

Flying Needle Medicine Acupuncture on Hands for Chronic Inflammation

WHY?? WHY does this happen? Researchers think it is because of a weak autonomic nervous system, the Vagus nerve, in particular, failing to provide the necessary braking effect on the potentially harmful cytokines released by your innate immunity.

 Chronic Digestive Tract InflammationA balanced and fit body can alternate between the autonomic nervous systems’ sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) responses, with equal effect. An excess of sympathetic responses may weaken the parasympathetic response limiting the Vagus nerves’ ability to control inflammation affecting not only your joints, but your Lungs, Kidneys, and Liver. The lining of your intestines may also be affected and even sex.

You can indirectly stimulate the parasympathetic response of your Vagus nerve by taking deep breathes. Make deep breathing a beneficial part of your lifestyle, reducing inflammation and pain. EASY, SO…..BREATHE!!!! 

Dr. Mary Sudduth

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