Alternative Medicine Perspective of the Coronavirus

As the coronavirus travels to your respiratory tract, your immune system fights back. Your lungs and airways swell and become inflamed. Although inflammation is a natural immune response when your body perceives an invader, in COVID19 patients with severe conditions it appears that their immune system may be sluggish. 

Social Distancing - Alternative Medicine Perspective of the Coronavirus

The resulting amplified immune response and inflammation due to under checked viral activity causing increasing tissue damage to the lungs can result in acute respiratory distress leading to lung failure. The research of Yufang Shi, and Gerry Milano et al., indicates that lung inflammation is the main cause of life-threatening respiratory disorders in the advanced stages of coronavirus.

What is the natural response?

Among the various virus treatments being researched, drug therapies capable of controlling our natural immune response and the resulting inflammation, are getting a lot of attention. Researchers think the amplified inflammatory response seen in COVID19 symptoms may be the result of a weakness in the Vagus nerve. This large nerve controls automatic bodily functions and responses, such as heart rate, digestion, and the monitoring of inflammation. A compromised Vagus nerve may be unable to provide a prompt and balanced response to viral damage.

COVID - Alternative Medicine Perspective of the Coronavirus 

The Vagus nerve relies on the paired sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system working together to attain a healthy balance in our bodies. When the sympathetic response called “fight or flight” becomes overly engaged as with stress, it does not allow the parasympathetic called “rest and digest” to do its job. With little to no “rest and digest,” the Vagus nerve becomes weak. An excess of sympathetic responses may override the parasympathetic system weakening and limiting the Vagus nerves’ ability to control inflammation affecting not only your lungs, but your joints, kidneys, liver, and even the lining of your intestines.


Fortunately, you can indirectly stimulate the parasympathetic response of your Vagus nerve by making a few lifestyle changes with alternative medicine. A balanced and fit body should alternate between sympathetic responses and parasympathetic responses with equal effect. You can indirectly stimulate the parasympathetic response of your Vagus nerve by taking deep breathes while focusing on a long, relaxing exhale. Many disciplines such as Medical Qigong and Yoga teach relaxed breathing. Beginning every day with this basic exercise and using relaxed breathing when stressed will eventually help to strengthen your autonomic nervous system along with your immune system.

Medical Qigong is most effective when it is routinely practiced for recreation, exercise, and relaxation.

How beneficial is a massage?

The relaxation of a massage focusing on your upper back and the front of your lower legs just below the knees or the soles of your feet is beneficial. Massage - Alternative Medicine Perspective of the CoronavirusRegular exercise, humming while you work or play and even probiotics can improve your immune system. Taking care of your digestion also relieves stress on the Vagus nerve and improves autonomic response.

How can Acupuncture benefit me?

Acupuncture and electro-acupuncture are very relaxing. This ancient technique has quicker results that can be focused on specific areas of inflammation. Acupuncture can directly stimulate branches of the Vagus nerve, tonifying, and strengthening your immune systemAcupuncture - Alternative Medicine Perspective of the Coronavirus

We are being flooded with information and may not know what to do. Please follow the advice of your medical professionals and state and local authorities. Look to the future, knowing that your immune system is your front line. Take care of it! Treasure it. Make a few changes to your daily routine that seem right for your lifestyle. It doesn’t require much time but it does require consistency. These small changes along with good hand washing, coughing or sneezing into the crook of your elbow, and a minimum of touching your face are good defensive habits for ANY time.

Take time every day to relax and enjoy your life, and Remember…BREATHE!!!     

Dr. Mary Sudduth D.A.C.M.,

Please call me with any questions. 832-506-5500
