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click on the google icon to write a review for flying needle oriental medicine pllc Google

Click “Google” above then wait for the review form to open.

To write a review, you need a Google account, but NOT a special G+ account or Gmail account. Reviewing other doctors or businesses in addition to Flying Needle helps to ensure that your reviews are shown by Google.

click on the yelp icon to write a review for flying needle oriental medicine pllc on yelpYelp

Click “Yelp” above to visit our business page. Then click on the big red button, “Write a Review”.

To write a review, you need a Yelp account. Reviewing other doctors or businesses in addition to Flying Needle helps to ensure that your reviews are shown by Yelp.

click on the google icon to write a review for or follow flying needle oriental medicine pllc on facebookFacebook

Review us or “Like” Flying Needle Oriental Medicine on Facebook. To write your review, click the stars and a box will appear for you to share your experiences with others.

To write a review, you need a Facebook account.

you can review flying needle oriental medicine on angies listAngie’s List

Review us on Angie’s List.

Thank you for taking the time to let others know about your experiences with us!
